
WOW! News from the Outback

A word from Alamosa - a small backwater in southern Colorado.
This week, as in other parts of Colorado, almost everything has closed: no Recreation center for painting classes or walks on the track - no Pickle Ball - What?
This is a place of small businesses and a (very good) small town attitude about what it means to take care of your neighbor.
In case anyone wondered, or even had time to think about it . . .
Yes- my show at Adams State University IS canceled.
At first we thought we would HANG it and wait things out but the school is now closed indefinitely to on campus activities.
Yes, well. . .  I'd be lying to say this is not a disappointment but - we all have bigger fish to fry and there are people making much bigger sacrifices.
As to the show - this may not be the LAST word but for the moment let us think about taking care of each other, being kind when people are nervous, afraid, or acting out of fear.
Here in Alamosa, we have no reported cases of Coronavirus - but it's no time to pat ourselves on the back -  it's time to call our neighbors; do they have enough toilet paper, or more importantly - food?  Maybe they just need a word of encouragement.
It snowed last night.  March can be a rough month for cold weather here and certainly our folks living homeless or in shelters will suffer.  Pray for them, and the good people in the community who are on the front lines worldwide.
And be a hero -
if you can, stay home and mind the hearth.