
Ghost Ranch Get Away

There is really no place like Ghost Ranch.
Famed as Georgia O'Keefe country, it is a unique retreat settting between Abiquiu and Chama, NM.
Monday afternoon I left Taos and drove to Ghost Ranch to meet up with Ann Templeton and the High Desert Painters. Ann has a workshop there every Autumn and the High Desert Painters try to meet her there. My time was limited to just 24 hours but so worth it.

Above work shop students paint the bluffs in the morning and here Ann talks the finer points of her demo with a student.
If I ever recommend a workshop, this is it. Ann Templeton is one of the best workshop teachers - ever - and a wonderful and generous mentor. She travels all over the world but Ghost Ranch is a very special venue, not like any place else in the world.

Below is my 6"x 8" piece of the perdernal, a famous and recognizable New Mexico landmark.

To read more about the High Desert Painters, an international group, click on the name. Click on Ann Templeton to read more about this beloved painter and author.

1 comment:

Pleinview said...

Thanks Ann for a great day and thanks to Nelson for making room for me.