
Daily Painter -Wednesday

Up before the birds, as usual, we went to the Estes Lakes, which you drive over as you come into Estes Park. I never thought they offered much scenic value but we found several really beautiful views: the Stanley Hotel reflected in the water just as the sun rose and illuminated it, and in the other direction, a really beautiful sunrise over the water and a family of deer drinking at the lake's edge. At one point a group of Elk crossed the lake in front of us; they didn't even get their ears wet. By 11am I had two pieces finished so I knocked off to get an espresso at the shop next to my gallery.
The morning had gone by without a cloud in the sky but as afternoon came on clouds began to rise over the mountains (called the twin Owls) to the north above Estes. I was in my groove so painted this piece from the Riverwalk and finished up by 2pm. It was a good day.
'Drama in the Afternoon',10"x8",oil. This painting can be viewed at the Link Gallery in Estes Park.

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